Spiritual Bypass & Yoga: Part 2

In part 1 I related spiritual bypass to its effect on the spiritual seeker, but what about the guru? Mariana Caplan writes about this subject extensively, indicating that 80 to 90 percent of male spiritual teachers engage in some kind of scandal within their community, usually involving sex, but also power or money (1). She suggests that these situations usually occur due to “spiritual mediocrity” (2), where an unprepared individual who does not possess psychological self-awareness that is comparable to their spiritual awareness, is placed (or places themselves), in a position of power prematurely.

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Spiritual Bypass & Yoga: Part 1

Despite the immense growing popularity of yoga in the Western world, does its philosophy (as it is commonly understood) really address the issues regularly afflicting Western culture? I’m talking about “trauma, anxiety, depression, loneliness, self esteem and self-worth issues, grief, difficult relationships and longing for relationships, parenting problems, wounding and/or isolation from our biological family of origin, addiction, codependence…”

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